
The latest version of the statute

Date: 17th May 2019


Ryan Djurovich created in 2004 with his Content Management System (CMS) WebsiteBaker an easy-to-work Application for publishing content on the Internet. The Association WebsiteBaker Org on one hand wants to help understand the complexities of web design and web programming and on the other hand enable easy ways to publish content on the World Wide Web. The necessary knowledge can be taught both to beginners and advanced with the CMS WebsiteBaker because in addition to the documentation a knowledge forum exists. The Association WebsiteBaker Org wants to ensure further development and improvement of this CMS.

WebsiteBaker Org e. V. is an international community of people who, regardless of age, sex, ancestry and social status, want to stand for free information devoid of national borders and the encourage people to take actively part in the information society, even to publish on the www and develop self-knowledge. This is possible by the documentation for WebsiteBaker, the help pages, and not at least the Forum. The aim is not to offer individuals with turnkey solutions but, above all, to support them to work out solutions themselves, see the variety of opportunities and then turn all the solutions, where appropriate, back to the community again.

This is how the association will work.

§ 1 Name, Location, Fiscal Year
  1. Ryan Djurovich created in 2004 with his Content Management System (CMS) WebsiteBaker an easy-to-work Application for publishing content on the Internet. The Association WebsiteBaker Org on one hand wants to help understand the complexities of web design and web programming and on the other hand enable easy ways to publish content on the World Wide Web. The necessary knowledge can be taught both to beginners and advanced with the CMS WebsiteBaker because in addition to the documentation a knowledge forum exists. The Association WebsiteBaker Org wants to ensure further development and improvement of this CMS.
  2. WebsiteBaker Org e. V. is an international community of people who, regardless of age, sex, ancestry and social status, want to stand for free information devoid of national borders and the encourage people to take actively part in the information society, even to publish on the www and develop self-knowledge. This is possible by the documentation for WebsiteBaker, the help pages, and not at least the Forum. The aim is not to offer individuals with turnkey solutions but, above all, to support them to work out solutions themselves, see the variety of opportunities and then turn all the solutions, where appropriate, back to the community again.
  3. This is how the association will work.

§ 2 Purpose and Status
  1. The association promotes, supports and organizes educational projects and public education within the meaning of the preface
  2. The purpose is particularly achieved through the following means:
    • Providing free documentation and network-related technologies and programming codes by running public informations and services on the internet
    • Publication, maintenance and further development of free tutorials, modules, templates and other works on the technical and substantive standards of the Internet refferring publish pages on the WWW
    • Organization and support of educational events referring to above items
    • Organization of regional / international meetings between users and developers
  3. The association pursues exclusively and directly charitable purposes within the meaning of the section "tax-privileged purposes" of the tax law.
  4. The association acts selflessly, it does not primarily pursue their own economic purposes.
  5. Funds of the association may only be used for statutory purposes.
  6. The members received in their capacity as members no grants from funds of the association.
  7. No person may benefit from costs that stay against the statues of this association.
  8. Volunteer workers get only refund of expenses within the framework of the General Assembly adopted rules.
  9. All holders of club offices are volunteers.
  10. Any decision on the amendment of the statutes has to be approved by the Finanzamt before its registration at the registry court.

§ 3 Members of the Association
  1. The association consists of ordinary members and support members.
  2. Ordinary members are actively committed to the objectives of the Association and support them with their work. Supporting members are actively committed to the objectives of the Association and support them through their financial contribution.
  3. Full member of the association can only be natural persons.
  4. The founders are ordinary members of the association.
  5. Inclusion of other ordinary members is decided by the Executive Board upon written request.
  6. The applicant may submit a complaint gainst the reasonabled refusal of the Board,. The complaint must be lodged within one month from receipt of the adverse decision in writing to the Executive Board. About the appeal the next Annual General Meeting will decide.
  7. Supporting members can be natural and legal persons. They support the club through regular financial contributions according to the contribution rules. They commit themselves to the objectives of the association and they commit themselves to prevent anything that could damage the reputation of the club or avoid the mebers from achieving the obejctives of the club. They are entitled to get information about the use of the funding contributions, but have no voting, election or petition rights.
  8. The inclusion of support members is decided by the Board upon written request.

§ 4 Membership Fee

The club charges supporting members a membership fee. Details are written in the Fees Statute .

§ 5 Termination of Membership
  1. The membership ends
    • Through a written statement to the Board
    • With the death of the member
    • By exclusion
  2. For important reasons a member could be excluded. The General Assembly decides by a two thirds majority of present members about the exclusion.
  3. In case of a breach of club interests a member can be excluded. The Board decided about the exclusion after written consultation with the member.
  4. A supporting member may be excluded by board decision, if he didn't pay his fees despite two reminders, 1 month after last reminder. Themember must be informed about his exclusion.

§ 6 Organs of the Association

Organs of the Association are the Assembly, the Board and the Teams.

In all institutions the language is English, unless the institutions are exclusively with German-speaking members. All decisions, protocols, etc. have to be written in English too.

§ 7 General Meeting
  1. The assembly is carried out virtually. See §10 Virtual Presence for details.
  2. An ordinary general meeting will take place usually once per calendar year, preferably in February. Extraordinary general meetings can be found with a decision by the Board or upon written request of at least one third of the ordinary members.
  3. If there is at least one non-German-speaking member present the Assembly will be held in English, unless the non-German speaking members agree to German conversation.
  4. The Board invites ordinary members electronically, adding the agenda of the General Assembly. Electronic invitations must be sent at least 14 days before the meeting. The invitation is regarded as received if it is sent to the last known (email-) address of the ordinary member.
  5. The Board sets the agenda. The agenda for this meeting may be expanded by majority decision.
  6. The General Assembly decides by a majority of the valid votes. In case of a tie a request is rejected. Votes are secret ballots if a regular member requests this. Elections are by secret ballots (see § 10).
  7. The General Assembly has a quorum if properly invited.
  8. Duties of the members are:
    • Receipt of the Annual Report of the Board
    • Discharge of the Board
    • Election and dismissal of members of the Board
    • Decision on guidelines regarding the reimbursement of travel expenses, disbursements and comparing items
    • Decision on the revision of the statutes and the dissolution of the Association
    • Decision on Fees
    • Decision on the exclusion of a member for good cause
    • Election of a account revisor
  9. Decisions to amend the statute, for the dissolution of the Association and to the exclusion of a member for good cause need, notwithstanding §4, a majority of two thirds of the votes.
  10. The account revisor reviewed the records of the association and the statutory use of the club's assets. He is not member of the Board. He informs the Board about the result of his examination and reports, in consultation with the Board, to the assembly.
  11. Decisions of the Assembly shall be fixed within two weeks of the General Assembly by the Secretary in a protocol signed by another board member. A copy of the protocol has to be made accessible to any ordinary member. In accordance with §10 , the „protocolled text“ of the meeting has to be copied and saved. The word protocol is also available to all members.

§ 8 Board
  1. The Board consists of the Chairman and 2 other board members (representatives).
  2. The Executive Board is elected for two years. The Board will remain in office until the election of a new board.
  3. Notwithstanding § 2, the two representatives will be elected at the 1st election only for 1 year, so that not all board members also need to be re-elected ..
  4. Only ordinary members of the association could be elected to the Board.
  5. Each member of the board represents the association in and out of court alone.
  6. The Board carries out the routine business of the association. It is responsible for managing the association's assets and the execution of the club decisions. It is also responsible for all matters of the association that are not assigned by the statute to another club institution.
  7. The Board decides if matters affecting more than one team could not be regulated between them .
  8. The Board has the right to attract individual decisions and to review decisions of teams if the objectives or the purpose of the club could run contrary, or if it is requested by another team.
  9. Sessions, meetings and similar increases have to be anounced internally. Ordinary members are allowed to inspect the protocols of these meetings.
  10. Board meetings must be held at least 1 time per month. They can also be held virtual or by telephone.

§ 9 Teams
  1. The Board constitutes teams and appoints its members. Teams are closed, if the sustained execution of tasks is not evident.
  2. The members of a team work independently and responsibly to the team assigned tasks. These include
    • Care and maintenance of technical infrastructure
    • Maintenance, care and development of the CMS WebsiteBaker
    • Preparation and editorial support of contributions to the content offered by WebsiteBaker Org
    • Recruiting new members for the teams and proposal for the appointment by the Board
  3. Teams organize and structure autonomously according to their requirements and needs. Should projects or ideas touch tasks of other teams, then they will work together as soon as possible.
  4. Teams consist of any number of regular members. They can introduce non-members to work with them.
  5. Meetings and similar increases have to be announced internally and are open for ordinary members.
  6. The teams have to document their structure and working continuously and make this available to ordinary members.
  7. The status of this documentation must be up to date 2 days before the next Board meeting.

§ 10 Virtual Presence
  1. The General Assembly is held virtually.
  2. A member is present if he participate the Assembly by phone/skype. Then the member shall be considered present to the meaning of the Statute. The identity of the member has to be determined in an appropriate way.
  3. The protocol has to be backed up and stored by the protocol officer electronically. A summary will be published as a protocol and passed on.
  4. Elections are performed via email. The sender must use his assigned mail address (identification). The score is carried out by the election officer. If the election results is mistrusted by one member, the result will be checked by one additonal member recommended by the audience. The final result is stated in the protocol.

§ 11 Dissolution of the Association
  1. The dissolution of the association can only be decided in a meeting with two-thirds majority. Unless the Assembly decides otherwise, the chairman and one other board member are jointly authorized liquidators.
  2. On dissolution of the association or on loss of tax-privileged purposes, the assets of the asociation must be used for tax-p rivileged purposes. Decisions on the future use of the assets may be invested only after consultation of the Tax Executive (Finanzamt).
  3. The above rules apply even if the club is dissolved for another reason or loses its legal capacity.