Ryan Djurovich created in 2004 with his Content Management System (CMS) WebsiteBaker an easy-to-work Application for publishing content on the Internet. The Association Website Baker Org on one hand wants to help understand the complexities of web design and web programming and on the other hand enable easy ways to publish content on the World Wide Web. The necessary knowledge can be taught both to beginners and advanced with the CMS WebsiteBaker because in addition to the documentation a knowledge forum exists. The Association WebsiteBaker Org wants to ensure further development and improvement of this CMS.
WebsiteBaker Org e. V. is an international community of people who, regardless of age, sex, ancestry and social status, want to stand for free information devoid of national borders and the encourage people to take actively part in the information society, even to publish on the www and develop self-knowledge. This is possible by the documentation for WebsiteBaker, the help pages, and not at least the Forum. The aim is not to offer individuals with turnkey solutions but, above all, to support them to work out solutions themselves, see the variety of opportunities and then turn all the solutions, where appropriate, back to the community again.
This is how the association will work.